Olympic heritage, a place for civic projects

JO 2024
Le 03/07/2024

Olympic heritage, a place for civic projects

What legacy will the Games leave nationally? What if we all start doing sport?

That's good news. Regionally, the Olympic Games are an accelerator for projects inspired by Olympic values, suggested by inhabitants and implemented by the Metropole (€1.2 million budget). To keep this exceptional event alive beyond September, Metropolitans have developed the sporting world of the future, ready to share their projects and enthusiasm. An overview of the winning projects from the Metropolitan Participatory Budget.

Three winning projects

In a demonstration of young people's talents, the Sailly-lez-Lannoy children's council proposed a tree with basketball baskets on its branches. The children collected ideas and voted on them. "We voted because there were three proposals and the majority voted for the basketball tree," Violette, 10, explains. They chose an installation consisting of baskets mounted in a tree structure at different heights. Bonus: the project is duplicable. Indeed, the tree could grow in different municipalities in the territory (if they are receptive and able to accommodate the installation). To be maintained with a great deal of joy and shared passion for sport.


Do you know One Wall, the simple game where the player bounces a foam or rubber ball against a wall? An innovative project in Armentières proposes the installation of a One Wall pediment. A cousin of Basque pelota or squash, this sport is starting to become more widespread and can played individually or as a team. Players take turns to hit the ball by hand. "The project combines sport and art [the mural]," explains Guillaume, a resident of Armentières who created this proposal. Bonus: this project can also be duplicated and offered in different municipalities in the metropolitan area.


Youth remains at the forefront with the kiosk for urban dance (hip-hop, breaking, etc) equipped with a sound system, suggested by students at Jean-Jaurès de Lomme College. A project in keeping with the times that rises to the challenge of Olympic heritage. Indeed, the kiosk highlights breaking, a new discipline at the Paris 2024 Games which is proving very popular with the general public. "The aim is to allow people who do hip-hop, who are interested in it or who love music, to meet people who have the same passion as us, to be able to practice, discuss and enjoy it as much as possible together!" says Anjali, a college student.

Sport for everyone

The basketball tree and the One Wall could prolong the dynamics of the Games in several municipalities in the territory. There will be a call for expressions of interest in the autumn. The idea? To identify the municipalities that are willing and able to host one of these two projects to be implemented by the Metropole within two years. See you there?

photo: Samuel Amez, Children from the municipal council of children of Sailly-lez-Lannoy