Olympic Games, here we come: meet Philippine Delemazure

Ils font les Jeux
JO 2024
Le 24/07/2024

Olympic Games, here we come: meet Philippine Delemazure

Philippine Delemazure has qualified for the Games. We meet the young hockey player, a member of Lille Métropole Hockey Club and Lille Metropole ambassador.

Could you introduce yourself? 

My name is Philippine Delemazure, I’m 18 and I’ve been playing hockey since I was 4 years old. I play for Lille Métropole Hockey Club and am an ambassador for Lille Metropole.

What’s your background with hockey?

I started playing hockey at the age of 4. Hockey is a family sport for me. My father played it when he was little. He introduced my two big brothers to it first, and I was there when they practised, running around the field. When I was 4 years old, I also started playing. It’s above all a family sport for me, it came naturally to me.

Can you tell us a bit about your role as an ambassador with Lille Metropole?

I loved it because I had the opportunity to meet children and see them doing sports, not necessarily mine. I took part in a handball taster session with them. I love handball: if I didn't play hockey, I think I would play handball. Talking about sports with the children, telling them that anything is possible, that I, at the age of 18, will be taking part in the Olympic Games and that they can also play sport at a high level, or just for fun... I wanted to show them that sport is important, that it makes you happy and that you can go far. I think it’s important to highlight my journey and show them that you can do a lot with sport. I love it, sport is my life and it’s very important to get involved in sport.

You qualified for the Paris 2024 Games. What was your immediate reaction?

It’s crazy! There aren't even the words, it’s the dream of a life that is starting to come true. It hasn’t fully sunk in yet. I think that’s one of the best things I’ve ever been told so far in my short life. Yes, it’s crazy. Now I need to really focus on the event itself and on the matches that will be here before we know it.

A fortnight to go... What are you going to do with the remaining two weeks before the start of the Games?

My lifestyle is going to have to be flawless. There’s still a training course to go, and then the excitement will kick in! We’re going to start getting excited, thinking about matches... It’s going to happen very quickly, we’ll soon be there and it’s going to be great!

A fortnight to go... How are you feeling?

Just two weeks! Sometimes I wake up and say to myself "I’m going to the Olympic Games!". I’m just so excited, I’m so excited to be there, to be in the athletes’ village, to be on the field, to sing the Marseillaise, I’m so excited! I’m not stressed yet. I think that when we are lined up in the middle of the field, when we’re singing the Marseillaise, I think that then I’ll be very stressed. At the moment, I just can’t wait for the Olympic Games!

What can we wish you now?

That I have fun! That I have fun, because it’s an unforgettable experience and I always say it, it’s having fun that makes you play the best and have an amazing time. So yes, have fun and enjoy every minute because it’s going to go by so quickly. Having fun is the most important thing!